Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Love Story

I looked at the calendar located on the table in disgust. Saturday, March 30, 2002, the birthday of our third wedding. And for the third time as well Aa 'forget. First birthday, Aa 'forget having a meeting with the directors to settle some financial problems. As finance director, Aa 'is obliged to resolve the problem. Okay, I understand. The issue then is pretty complicated.

Second anniversary, Aa 'to be out of town for a presentation. Busy making her forget. And after'm sorry, when I expressed my irritation, he calmly replied, "Brother, I've yet to prove my love throughout the year. The day was not celebrated it's okay. Love the ceremony did not take ... "

Now, early in the morning he said goodbye to the office because they have to set up some meetings documents. He left when I was in the bathroom. I deliberately did not remind him about our anniversary. I wanted to test, whether he remembers or not this time. In fact? I took a deep breath.

Wonder, what is hard to remember the birthday of marriage itself? I snorted in disgust. Aa 'is different from me. He was calm and expressive, much less romantic. Thus, there was no interest on the special moments or a poem written on a piece of pink paper as is often imagined before I got married.

As for me, expressive and romantic. I always gave her gifts with sweet words every birthday. I also do not forget to say tens of times the word I love you every week. Sending messages via sms poetry even when he was out of town. Anyway, for me love should be expressed clearly. Since clarity is also a part of love.

I know, that I love Aa ', I have to accept it for what it is. But the cook does not want to change and learn? Did not I teach him to be more romantic? Ah, just the point I was pissed. And all becomes fun for me. I was cranky. Aa 'so it's really annoying to me. I started counting the time and attention given to me in the three years of our marriage. No relaxing weekend. Rarely do we get to go together to eat dinner outside. Spare time is usually spent in bed all day. So I manyun myself almost every day of the week and could only look at him sweetly snoring in bed.

Taste kesalku getting into. Moreover, this week is our relationship was not good. We were both tired. The work is piled on the tasks we each make our home in the state meet in both weary and irritable with each other. Be, sometimes we fight this week.

Actually, today I've emptied all my activities schedule. I want to be alone with him today and do fun things. Properly, this Saturday it off. However, that Aa '. It was hard to leave her job, even on weekends like this. Perhaps, because we do not have children. So he did not feel the need to spend time on weekends like this.

"Hen, you sure you want to accept the proposal a 'Ridwan?" Diah my friend looked at me strangely. "My brother's baseball romantic, you know. Unlike the romantic husband often you imagine. He was the kind of man whose hobby is seriously hard work. Well anyway, pious, faithful ... But baseball humorist. Anyway, life with him was flat. Routine and boring. It contained just work, work and work ... "Diah connect length. I just smile through time. Aa 'was asking my willingness to accept the proposal by Diah.

"You really like that, anyway? Nah glad ya if I were brother-in-law, "I asked with a frown. Diah laugh to see me. "Well, like this house will not be served. Most left off at A 'Ridwan. "Diah laugh. "You do not know my brother, anyway?" But whatever Diah said, I have resolved to accept the proposal Aa '. I'm sure we can mutually adjust. After all, he was a good man. That was more than enough for me.

The first few weeks after our marriage was not a lot of problems. Like most newlyweds, Aa 'attempted romantic. And I'm glad. However, all ended when her leave ends. He was soon struggling with all his work, seven days a week. There is hardly any time left for me. My story is often only ditanggapinya enthusiastic with um, oh, so yes ... even then she sleepily hugging bolsters. And, I have waited for hours to talk and then lose their appetite to continue the story.

So ... I'm trying to understand and accept. But this morning, to her annoyance really peaked. I consent to the mother's home. I sent him a short text messages. I'm waiting. One hour later I received an answer. Sorry, I'm in a meeting. Be careful. Greetings to you. There you go. View. In fact it takes an hour to reply smsku. Meetings, presentations, financial reports, that rivals that grabs the attention of my husband.

I went straight to my room now occupied by the former Riri brother. Kuhempaskan me with disgust. I'm just going to close my eyes when I heard a faint knock on the door my mother. I got up lazily.

"Why Hen? There is a problem with Ridwan? "Mother opened the conversation without preamble. I nodded. Mom did not have to lie. He always managed to guess the telling.

Although initially faltered, I finally talked to my mother as well. My eyes filled with tears. I spilled my irritation to the mother. Mom smiled at the story. He stroked my hair. "Hen, maybe all of this is wrong Mom and Dad are not pamper you. And you were annoyed with the attitude of your husband. Try, think carefully Hen. What deficiency Ridwan? He was a good husband. Loyal, honest and hardworking. Ridwan was never rough with you, be diligent worship. He was also kind and respectful to my mother and father. Not all husbands like him, Hen. Many people who dizholimi husband. Na'udzubillah "Mom said.

I was silent. Well, it's true what they say Mother. "But Mom, he's so outrageous. Cook the anniversary of marriage itself three times forgotten. After all, he's had no time for me. I'm a wife, mom. Not just a piece of furniture that just needs to be seen once in a while. "I'm still upset. Although deep down I confirmed what Mom said.

Yes, in addition to properties less romantic, actually what it lacks Aa '? Almost none. Actually, he was trying hard to membahagiakanku its own way. He always encouraged me to increase knowledge and expand wawasanku. He has always encouraged me to be more diligent in worship and always kind thought for others. Problem loyalty? No doubt. Diah the office with him. And he always tells me how Aa 'attitude towards female colleagues in the office. Aa 'never serve solicitation Anita were not too bored flirting and asking her out. And if you want, with performance that is always neat and cool as it is, it is not difficult for him attract the opposite sex.

"Hen, if you feel grumpy like that, is not really a problem Ridwan. The issue is only one, you lose the sense of gratitude ... "I said quietly.

I looked at Mom. Mother Words really menohokku. Yeah, Mom was right. I lost my gratitude. Not until about two weeks ago I was persuaded Ranti, one of my friends who are stressed because her husband was having an affair with another woman and was very rude to him? Did not I take her to the doctor to treat bruises in several parts of his body at the hands of her husband?

Slowly, a sense of guilt arose in my heart. If it was I wanted to spend time with him today, why I did not say ahead of time so that he can arrange jadualnya? I can not remind him nicely that I wanted to go with him alone these days. Why I did not try to tell him that I wanted him to be more romantic? That I feel left out because of his work? That I was afraid no longer loved?

I quickly said goodbye to my mother. I rushed home to clean the house and prepare a romantic dinner at home. I did not tell him. I want to make a surprise for him.

Dinner is ready. I prepare food craze Aa 'complete with a series of red roses on the table. Seven in the evening, Aa 'not home yet. I waited patiently. Nine o'clock at night, I just received a sms. Sorry I'm late home. My job was not finished. The food at the table already cold. My eyes are heavy, but I'm still waiting for him in the living room.

I woke with a start. O Allah, I fell asleep. I glanced at the clock, 11 o'clock at night. I got up. Bunch of red roses on the table. Beside him, lying greeting cards and small jewelry box. Aa 'asleep on the carpet. He has not opened the tie and socks.

I took it and opened a greeting card. Poem made me smile.

I want to love you with a simple

Through word that could not be delivered

Cloud the water that makes no

I want to love you with a simple

With the words I had spoken

Wood ash makes the fire. *

Kata-Kata Bijak Tentang Cinta

Cinta tidak pernah meminta, ia sentiasa memberi, cinta membawa penderitaan, tetapi tidak pernah berdendam, tak pernah membalas dendam. Di mana ada cinta di situ ada kehidupan; manakala kebencian membawa kepada kemusnahan.~ Mahatma Ghandi
Tuhan memberi kita dua kaki untuk berjalan, dua tangan untuk memegang, dua telinga untuk mendengar dan dua mata untuk melihat. Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan sekeping hati pada kita? Karena Tuhan telah memberikan sekeping lagi hati pada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya. Itulah namanya Cinta.
Ada 2 titis air mata mengalir di sebuah sungai. Satu titis air mata tu menyapa air mata yg satu lagi,” Saya air mata seorang gadis yang mencintai seorang lelaki tetapi telah kehilangannya. Siapa kamu pula?”. Jawab titis air mata kedua tu,” Saya air mata seorang lelaki yang menyesal membiarkan seorang gadis yang mencintai saya berlalu begitu sahaja.”
Cinta sejati adalah ketika dia mencintai orang lain, dan kamu masih mampu tersenyum, sambil berkata: aku turut bahagia untukmu.
Jika kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan sentiasa mendoakannya walaupun dia tidak berada disisi kita.
Jangan sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba. Jangan sesekali menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup. Jangan sesekali mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi jika kamu masih tidak dapat melupakannya.
Perasaan cinta itu dimulai dari mata, sedangkan rasa suka dimulai dari telinga. Jadi jika kamu mahu berhenti menyukai seseorang, cukup dengan menutup telinga. Tapi apabila kamu Coba menutup matamu dari orang yang kamu cintai, cinta itu berubah menjadi titisan air mata dan terus tinggal dihatimu dalam jarak waktu yang cukup lama.
Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan. Kepada mereka yang masih percaya, walaupun mereka telah dikhianati. Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai, walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya dan kepada mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan untuk membangunkan kembali kepercayaan.
Jangan simpan kata-kata cinta pada orang yang tersayang sehingga dia meninggal dunia , lantaran akhirnya kamu terpaksa catatkan kata-kata cinta itu pada pusaranya . Sebaliknya ucapkan kata-kata cinta yang tersimpan dibenakmu itu sekarang selagi ada hayatnya.
Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas kurniaan itu.
Cinta bukan mengajar kita lemah, tetapi membangkitkan kekuatan. Cinta bukan mengajar kita menghinakan diri, tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan. Cinta bukan melemahkan semangat, tetapi membangkitkan semangat -Hamka
Cinta dapat mengubah pahit menjadi manis, debu beralih emas, keruh menjadi bening, sakit menjadi sembuh, penjara menjadi telaga, derita menjadi nikmat, dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat.
Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu, tetapi lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang dan kamu tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk menyatakan cintamu kepadanya.
Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu. Hanya untuk menemukan bahawa pada akhirnya menjadi tidak bererti dan kamu harus membiarkannya pergi.
Kamu tahu bahwa kamu sangat merindukan seseorang, ketika kamu memikirkannya hatimu hancur berkeping.
Dan hanya dengan mendengar kata “Hai” darinya, dapat menyatukan kembali kepingan hati tersebut.
Tuhan ciptakan 100 bahagian kasih sayang. 99 disimpan disisinya dan hanya 1 bahagian diturunkan ke dunia. Dengan kasih sayang yang satu bahagian itulah, makhluk saling berkasih sayang sehingga kuda mengangkat kakinya kerana takut anaknya terpijak.
Kadangkala kamu tidak menghargai orang yang mencintai kamu sepenuh hati, sehinggalah kamu kehilangannya. Pada saat itu, tiada guna sesalan karena perginya tanpa berpatah lagi.
Jangan mencintai seseorang seperti bunga, kerana bunga mati kala musim berganti. Cintailah mereka seperti sungai, kerana sungai mengalir selamanya.
Cinta mampu melunakkan besi, menghancurkan batu, membangkitkan yang mati dan meniupkan kehidupan padanya serta membuat budak menjadi pemimpin. Inilah dasyatnya cinta !
Permulaan cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kamu inginkan. Jika tidak, kamu hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kamu temukan di dalam dirinya.
Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yang turun dari langit,bersih dan suci. Cuma tanahnyalah yang berlain-lainan menerimanya. Jika ia jatuh ke tanah yang tandus,tumbuhlah oleh kerana embun itu kedurjanaan, kedustaan, penipu, langkah serong dan lain-lain perkara yang tercela. Tetapi jika ia jatuh kepada tanah yang subur,di sana akan tumbuh kesuciaan hati, keikhlasan, setia budi pekerti yang tinggi dan lain-lain perangai yang terpuji.~ Hamka
Kata-kata cinta yang lahir hanya sekadar di bibir dan bukannya di hati mampu melumatkan seluruh jiwa raga, manakala kata-kata cinta yang lahir dari hati yang ikhlas mampu untuk mengubati segala luka di hati orang yang mendengarnya.
Kamu tidak pernah tahu bila kamu akan jatuh cinta. namun apabila sampai saatnya itu, raihlah dengan kedua tanganmu,dan jangan biarkan dia pergi dengan sejuta rasa tanda tanya dihatinya
Cinta bukanlah kata murah dan lumrah dituturkan dari mulut ke mulut tetapi cinta adalah anugerah Tuhan yang indah dan suci jika manusia dapat menilai kesuciannya.
Bukan laut namanya jika airnya tidak berombak. Bukan cinta namanya jika perasaan tidak pernah terluka. Bukan kekasih namanya jika hatinya tidak pernah merindu dan cemburu.
Bercinta memang mudah. Untuk dicintai juga memang mudah. Tapi untuk dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai itulah yang sukar diperoleh.
Satu-satunya cara agar kita memperolehi kasih sayang, ialah jangan menuntut agar kita dicintai, tetapi mulailah memberi kasih sayang kepada orang lain tanpa mengharapkan balasan. (Dale Carnagie)